Onde comprar looks de academia por um bom preço?
outubro 26, 2020 Desde que eu me mudei para o interior tenho tentado me exercitar um pouco mais. Tenho ido à academia e feito caminhadas pelo condomínio. E uma coisa que me deixa muito empolgada é montar looks para esse momento. Como eu nunca gostei de ir à academia, montar looks legais foi a forma que eu encontrei para me incentivar. E já que agora eu voltei a me exercitar, achei uma ótima ideia investir em novas roupas.
A convite da Feelingirldress, uma loja online de roupas femininas, separei alguns modelos de peças que eu estou apaixonada! A número 04 é a minha favorita.
Since that I moved to a new town, I have been trying to exercise a little more. I've been going to the gym and taking long walks around the neighborhood. I realized that the one thing that makes me very excited about it, is putting together nice looks for that moment. As I never liked going to the gym, putting together cool looks was a way that I found to encourage myself. And since I started exercising again, I thought it was a great idea to invest in new gym clothes.
The website Feelingirldress, an amazing online store for women's clothing, ask me to show you my favorite wholesale sweatsuits. You gonna love then all, they are super cute, but number 04 is my favorite!
Os conjuntos são uma forma perfeita de estar sempre confortável e estilosa na academia. E a melhor parte é que esses possuem um ótimo preço, mesmo em dólar vale a pena! Esse post é basicamente uma wishlist, porque eu já coloquei todas essas peças no carrinho de compras! haha
Ah, a Feelingirldress também possui uma linha enorme de cintas de treinamento. São ótimas para manter a postura durante o treino ou auxiliar a perda de gordura. A marca ainda vai fazer uma super promoção na blackfriday, então vale a pena conferir e ficar de olho nas promos!
For me, the perfect gym outfit has to be comfortable and stylish. The sweatsuits are a perfect way to reach that. In the image above I separated some beautiful looks for you. I'm obsessed with number 4, but look how cute they are! And the best part is that they have a great price and high quality! This post is basically a wishlist, because I already put all these pieces in my shopping cart! Feelingirldress also has a huge line of wholesale waist trainer. You can check then in the website. They are great for maintaining posture during training or aiding fat loss, and usually they are a little bit expensive. But you can find then at a great price!
You know Black Friday is coming, don't you? As we all want to save some money, this is also a great opportunity to buy great clothes at good prices. Feelingirldress would be no different. So, be sure to check Feelingirldress black friday 2020 for amazing discounts and sales. You will not regret it and will still acquire great pieces.
* Esse é um publieditorial. Apesar de ter sido encomendado pela Feelingirldress, ele possui minhas reais opiniões
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